Python Examples
In Python import the phonemize
function with from phonemizer import phonemize
See phonemizer.phonemize()
Example 1: phonemize a text with festival
The following example downloads a text and phonemizes it using the
festival backend, preserving punctuation and using 4 jobs in parallel.
The phones are not separated, words are separated by a space and
syllables by |
# need to pip install requests
import requests
from phonemizer import phonemize
from phonemizer.separator import Separator
# text is a list of 190 English sentences downloaded from github
url = (
text = requests.get(url).content.decode()
text = [line.strip() for line in text.split('\n') if line]
# phn is a list of 190 phonemized sentences
phn = phonemize(
separator=Separator(phone=None, word=' ', syllable='|'),
Example 2: build a lexicon with espeak
The following example extracts a list of words present in a text,
ignoring punctuation, and builds a dictionary word: [phones]
e.g. {'students': 's t uː d ə n t s', 'cobb': 'k ɑː b', 'its': 'ɪ t s', 'put': 'p ʊ t', ...}
We consider here the same text as in the previous example.
from phonemizer.backend import EspeakBackend
from phonemizer.punctuation import Punctuation
from phonemizer.separator import Separator
# remove all the punctuation from the text, considering only the specified
# punctuation marks
text = Punctuation(';:,.!"?()-').remove(text)
# build the set of all the words in the text
words = {w.lower() for line in text for w in line.strip().split(' ') if w}
# initialize the espeak backend for English
backend = EspeakBackend('en-us')
# separate phones by a space and ignoring words boundaries
separator = Separator(phone=' ', word=None)
# build the lexicon by phonemizing each word one by one. The backend.phonemize
# function expect a list as input and outputs a list.
lexicon = {
word: backend.phonemize([word], separator=separator, strip=True)[0]
for word in words}